If you have questions or concerns, please send them to the appropriate address listed below or on the left. If you are unsure of which to use, send an email to the general email.

A volunteer will reply as quickly as possible.

General Questions • info@LILAskiclub.org

Your Email • contactemail@LILAskiclub.org

Email messages are the primary means of communication for information regarding the ski club. Email to add or change your contact email address.

Requirements • requirements@LILAskiclub.org

Costs • costs@LILAskiclub.org

Schedule • schedule@LILAskiclub.org

Ski Day • skiday@LILAskiclub.org

Volunteering • volunteer@LILAskiclub.org

Photos • photos@LILAskiclub.org

Ski Club trip • trip@LILAskiclub.org

Web Site/Pages/Content • web@LILAskiclub.org


Contact list

When a skier will NOT participate:

Click to email that a skier will not ski.

  1. When a student is absent, it is assumed that they will not be skiing.

  2. If a student takes ill during the school day, LILA’s normal procedures will be followed and the student will not be released to the ski club volunteers.


  1. LILA phone 651.464.0771

  2. LILA web

  3. LILA schedule

Ski facility (Trollhaugen)

  1. Trollhaugen phone 651.433.5141

  2. Trollhaugen web

  3. Trollhaugen live webcam