
The ski club is not operated by the school. This opportunity is provided through the efforts of volunteers. The money you’ve provided pays for lift tickets, transportation, and instruction. Volunteers organize and run the ski club.

There are upwards of 90 students participating in the club. The club needs to “train” more parents to operate the club to keep the club healthy.

At a minimum, parents are expected to chaperone once during the ski season. Please use the signup tool at SignupGenius to schedule your time to help. (SignupGenius will be available shortly.) If you have difficulties signing up with the web tool, send an email using the link at the bottom of this page. If you are unable to make your scheduled day, please contact one of the other volunteers directly as a replacement will need to be determined.

Volunteer Fee:

A $50 check will be required for each family riding the bus.  The check will either be returned at the end of the season (if a parent/guardian volunteers at least one ski club day) or it will be cashed (if a parent/guardian does not volunteer at least one ski club day). 

Volunteer Process
    (NOT limited to only those riding the bus –
    the more we have the better):

  1. 1.   Sign up for a date/time/activity at SignupGenius.

  2. 2.   When you sign up,
       note the name of the child(ren) that belongs to you.

  3. 3.   On your scheduled date check-in with either:

  4. a.   Person loading kids on bus @ LILA or

  5. b.   Sign-in Sheet @ Trollhaugen

  6. 4.   If you are riding the bus and/or chaperoning the
       chalet or hill – get a badge when you check-in.

Note: checking in will ensure you get credit for volunteering so your volunteer fee check will be returned to you (if applicable).



Sign up at SignupGenius to schedule your days to help.

Volunteers are always needed!

Volunteers help with:

  1. organization

  2. loading the bus at school

  3. gear transport

  4. hill chaperone

  5. chalet chaperone

  6. rounding up the kids for the return bus

  7. everything