A typical ski day

A typical ski day begins with dropping off equipment at the far East end of the LILA school building. Put the skis, poles and boards in the Ski Club trailer. The boots, helmet and miscellaneous items should be in a gear bag (not a garbage bag) and placed inside the building to keep them warm.

The ski pass should also be dropped off in the morning. The passes should be put in the ski pass box in the lobby (or given to a Ski Club volunteer). SWJHS students should leave their equipment at LILA as well.

The gear bags, skis, poles, and boards will be taken to the hill immediately prior to the end of the school day. Students will not have access to these until they reach the hill. Lift tickets will be acquired using the lift passes prior to the bus arriving at the hill.

Ski pants, jackets, and any base layers should remain with the student so that they can put them on prior to boarding the bus. Likewise, the student should keep with them any snacks intended to be eaten on the bus. School bags and the like can remain in the school building to be picked up after returning from the hill. The bus will return to LILA at about 7:15.

The SWJHS contingent will be picked up at 2:30 at the loading dock on the North side of the SWJHS building.

Please label equipment and bags for the benefit not only of the skiers but the volunteers. Also, familiarize each skier with their equipment and teach them to care for it.

Ski Day

Go to the Contact page to email that a skier will not ski

  1. please do this promptly

Typical ski day

  1. Drop off gear and ski pass

  2. Have a great day at school

  3. (Skis and boot bags are taken to the hill at approx. 1:45)

  4. Assemble in ski club area
    and change into basic gear

  5. Get onto bus at approx. 2:15

  6. SWJHS bus at approx. 2:30

  7. Ride to hill

  8. Unload and meet in Chalet
    at approx. 3:00

  9. Put on boots, helmets, ...

  10. Get lift ticket from volunteer

  11. Pick up skis

  12. Meet instructor on the hill

  13. Ski

  14. Buy/Eat dinner

  15. Ski

  16. Skiing ends no later than 6:30

  17. Drop off skis

  18. Pack up gear

  19. Drop off gear (in trailer)

  20. Skis and boot bags are taken back to LILA by volunteers

  21. Get onto bus
    no later than 6:45

  22. Ride back to LILA

  23. Arrive at LILA at approx. 7:15

  24. Pick up skis and gear

  25. Go home
    to a well-deserved rest