Ski day scheduling

The next ski day is listed at the top of this page and cancellations will be posted/emailed as noted in the sidebar. We should be able to ski on 10 of the days.

On each ski day, please remind students that they will be skiing. Also, remind them that they are responsible for getting ready quickly and that they are to assemble in an orderly fashion. To read about a typical Ski Day, go to the Ski Day page.

It is expected that a student will be going skiing unless notification is otherwise provided. This notice should be explicit and timely. (See the Contact page.) Also, anyone taking the bus to the hill is expected to return on the bus. Make sure that the bus volunteer is aware of any changes to this. The volunteer will be given a list of all skiers with any pertinent notes.


Ski Days (Thursdays)
Dec 4, 11, 18                     
Jan 8, 15, 22, 29
Feb 5, 12, 19, 26

Other Dates and Deadlines
18 Sept and 23 Oct 6:30-8pm - Ski Club Roundup - these information meetings are in the LILA main campus Gym.
Spring Break - Club Ski Trip, March 7-14

the next ski day is

as scheduled


Should a cancellation be necessary, an email will be forwarded to all participants in as timely a fashion as possible.

Please go to the Contact page to provide an up-to-date email address.

Regarding cancellations...

Dresser, WI weather is checked the night before and if the temperature for Thursday is forecasted to be

<5ºF at 3pm or <1ºF at 6pm,

we will cancel.  

Based on the ski club experience at Trollhaugen temperature is the main cancellation consideration,  not wind chill (due to the tree coverage).  The cancellation will be communicated the day before (Wednesday) to allow for parents to make alternative after school plans. 

Informational Meeting

The ski club round up will be on Sept 18th and Oct 23rd from
6:30 - 8:00 PM in the LILA Main Campus Gym. The Trollhaugen folks will be there to register students for lessons and ski passes (including pictures). There will also be information available for the Spring Break ski trip.

Annual Ski Trip

A trip to Bridger Bowl Montana is being organized for the week of Spring Break. Click here to see more details.

LILA online schedule

  1. LILA schedule

Go to the Contact page to email that a skier will not ski

  1. please do this promptly